About Us



Founded in 1976 Michigan NAVHDA is a local chapter of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA). 

NAVHDA is an international, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to foster, promote, and improve the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America. Visit the NAVHDA website for more information

We are one of three local chapters in Michigan (the other two being Southeast Michigan Chapter and Northern Michigan Chapter). Our members are generally located throughout the western part of the lower portion of the state (Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Muskegon etc...).


We run training days, NAVHDA sanctioned tests and clinics. We provide the required training permits from Michigan DNR, some equipment and training birds for our members. 

NAVHDA is entirely a volunteer organization. No one gets paid (even the highest level judges). NAVHDA started and continues with the principle "I'll help train your dog and you help train mine". We set up our training days with this in mind with small groups working together in each field, on basic obedience, at the water.

Members often form smaller groups who live close by to help each other to train during the week. Ask around if you want to see who lives near you. You can put as much or little time in as your schedule permits, but just a couple minutes every day maybe once first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening when possible makes a huge difference. Little things like heeling when you get the mail, standing still until released to feed or go outside go a long way in training. Many do run their dogs in tests but never feel that you have to. It does help motivate most to work their dogs more if they decide to.

Testing in NAVHDA


In order to enter a NAVHDA test, you must be a member of both the national organization and any local chapter. The dog to be tested must also be listed in  NAVHDA's recognized versatile hunting dog breeds. View our Test Schedule for more information.

Training with Michigan NAVHDA

We welcome all hunters and hunting dogs to join and train with our Chapter. You are allowed to train with a dogs not listed in NAVHDA's recognized breeds. Please visit our Training Page for more information. 

We are a volunteer organization

Like any volunteer organization, in order for our club to function, we need member participation. It is requested that each member donate one day of his or her time to support their club. Contact any of our officers to volunteer.

Organizations we partner with

Michigan NAVDHA is a member of both Michigan Hunting Dog Federation and Michigan United Conservation Club (MUCC). Both organizations respect responsible dog owners and hunters. Both groups work hard to protect our hunting rights and promote habitat management and access to land for hunting and training. 

How do I sign up? 

Visit our Membership page for more information.